
Technology to watch: key trends for 2023

Technological change has the potential to create shared prosperity and smart solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. At the same time, its exponential pace risks overwhelming existing institutions, leaving us exposed to uncontrolled risks. Geopolitical crises, rising polarization and a looming climate crisis are compounding this danger. Hyper-connectivity and cyber-resilience Economic and geopolitical dynamics are [...]

Technology to watch: key trends for 20232023-03-17T13:06:32+00:00

Green tech

Governments and industry leaders will be focusing on scaling existing green technologies and developing new ones in 2023. The goal to keep global warming at less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels seems increasingly out of reach, but so do the catastrophic scenarios which were still deemed likely a couple of years ago. One [...]

Green tech2023-03-09T13:01:46+00:00

Technological trends that will mark our lives in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of our everyday lives, found in everything from e-commerce to social media algorithms. An explosion of AI-generated imagery and music is predicted in 2023, and while it won't replace humans, AI will become the newest team member for humans on many jobs, contributing ideas and drafts. Despite the [...]

Technological trends that will mark our lives in 20232023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00

ChatGPT: what is it?

It is an artificial intelligence that is trained to hold conversations, so you only have to ask it questions in a conventional way and it will understand. This opens the door to the many features of ChatGPT, lots of commands to use it with. We will start by explaining what it is, and then we [...]

ChatGPT: what is it?2023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00

Super apps

They are a new model in the field of 'apps' and digital business. The 'superapps' are the natural evolution of some great digital players, as well as a comfortable solution for users. The client obtains the convenience of accessing numerous services through a single 'app' in which the user experience is familiar. You save downloading [...]

Super apps2023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00

The redefinition of Startups for 2023

Throughout 2021 and the beginning of 2022, large sums of money were invested, and with very high valuations, encouraging a tendency to grow “at all costs” for technological ventures, regardless of whether profits are generated. The model was to get financing, use it to gain market share, and then figure out how to be profitable. [...]

The redefinition of Startups for 20232023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00

What are the most important technological poles in the world?

Silicon Valley is, without a doubt, the largest and most famous of all. Technological giants have emerged from here that began as fun projects in a garage, but later revolutionized the lives of millions of people. This district arose in the United States more than a century ago, from the strategic union between the Palo [...]

What are the most important technological poles in the world?2023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00

What are NFTs: the ‘tokens’ for collecting

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens or, what would be the same thing, a “non-fungible asset”. That is, a type of asset that cannot be modified, that is unique. For example, a work of art. A unique painting by Picasso in which there may be many copies, but there is only one that is the original. [...]

What are NFTs: the ‘tokens’ for collecting2023-03-09T13:01:47+00:00
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