The desire, creativity and ideas of entrepreneurs must respond to what today’s society needs to not only improve people’s quality of life but also scale and grow their project.
Delivery everywhere and super fast: The generic approach to improving the delivery process is neither more nor less than the customer. After the pandemic 2020 and 2021 with its corresponding hangover, we all understood something: shipments home stepped strong and will continue to do so. During 2021, several delivery ventures appeared in Europe and Latin America. Many of these startups are already getting financing from companies to expand to other cities, countries and continents. This trend has its clear cause in the immediacy that persecutes the new generations. We want everything now and whoever can provide us with the fastest delivery of our purchases will be the chosen one. However, there is a debate between centralization and decentralization: are we going to ask for everything from a single app? Are we going to have apps for specific issues with differential value proposals or is everything going to coexist? Are we going to have apps according to the consumption situation (monthly purchase, weekly stocking, purchase of the day)? These questions will be answered as we learn more about this new market niche.
Technology in delivery management
Companies that had not made an effort to digitize and update before 2020 have already learned their lesson: making friends with technology is no longer an option, it is an urgent need.
Those who were still resisting had to face a collapse of their antiquated systems because the demand has simply changed: it is now much higher.
This situation, added to the high expectations of consumers, results in the need for companies to improve their delivery systems with the help of technology to improve the experience, satisfy demand in the most real time possible and maintain their competitiveness in the market.